The story behind the launch of After Sunday Dinner
After eight years of blogging, Jewel felt the need for her blog to grow up a bit. On one Sunday afternoon three years ago, the name After Sunday Dinner came to her during a phone call with a friend.
What Do you typically do after Sunday Dinner?
My Sunday Dinner's typically end with me catching up with family and friends discussing everything from work to love to travel to religion. Anything can be discussed at the dinner table. So that's what I want my blog to be. A destination and a community where everyone is welcomed to the table to join in on the conversation. The tagline for the brand is "where the conversation starts and the story begins." I want our journey to begin here and grow into a continued conversation.
Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Jewel Hazelton is a former social media executive who pivoted into the events sector of the non-profit industry. Jewel started her blogging career in 2010 after she decided to transition from her career as a magazine journalist. Now by day she works in operations and event planning for a non profit.
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, trying out Atlanta restaurants, getting manicures, visit a local spa, shopping, traveling to new destinations, taking cooking classes, doing yoga and working out.