5 things I'm grateful for in 2020

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This year has been a tough one for many of us and filled with lots of drastic changes in such a short time frame. For me, it’s been filled with lots of loss, death of loved ones, job changes, adjustment to quarantine living. But one of the biggest lessons I learned this year is that sometimes the most difficult moments in life stretch us the most. I learned to express gratitude on a daily basis and be grateful for all I’ve learned this year and the time I’ve spent with family and friends virtually. I want to encourage you to do the same this year and take a step back and think about all of the little moments of gratitude life offers. Today, I want to share five things I’m grateful for in 2020.

My family and friends 

This year has definitely brought me closer to my family and friends. Thanks to quarantine I now chat with my family and friends more frequently. We have weekly Zoom and House party chats to catch up on each other’s lives. Who knew technology could bring us closer together! 

I’m grateful for God’s grace and reminder that I’m worthy

2020 has been a filled with a lot of growth opportunities and teaching moments. God has stretched me in all directions, but he’s showed me that he will always show up. In August, my full-time job was eliminated due to pandemic cuts. I had a sense of peace when it happened because I wasn’t happy in the situation and I knew something better was on the way. I’m grateful that God has continued to open consulting and blogging opportunities for me during this time. Each month a new door unexpected door has opened, and God continues to wink to remind me that I’m worthy and in the right place in life.

For my health

If you’ve been following my blog for a while you know that I’ve experienced some health challenges over the past 10 years. I know many people who have been sick this year and I’m grateful that God has kept me healthy this year. I pray every day that he continues to keep me healthy and boosts my immune system.

For our dog Boots

Boots, my boyfriend’s family dog came into my home this year and I’ve fallen in love with her since she arrived this summer. Research shows that dog owners are much happier individuals and I have to say she is a mood booster. It’s hard to have a bad day with her high spirited energy. Between, the morning wake calls when she tries to jump in my bed or our daily walks or her photobombing me on a Zoom call. I’m grateful for you Bootsy.

For you

I’m grateful for you. Thank you for your continued support of my blog and platform.