Apple Cider Sangria

Yesterday I mentioned I threw a fall harvest themed party for a group of friends this weekend. One of the highlights of the evening was this recipe for apple cider sangria. I made the mistake of doubling the amount of alcohol in this drink which was good thing and a bad thing. So today I'm sharing the recipe for one pitcher instead of two. Scroll down to see the entire recipe. 




  1. 1 bottle of pinot grigio

  2. 2 1/2 cups fresh apple cider

  3. 1 cup club soda

  4. 1/2 cup brandy

  5. 3 honey crisp apples, chopped

  6. 2 pears, chopped

  7. 2 oranges, sliced

  8. 1 lemon, sliced

  9. 1/2 cup of simple syrup

  10. 1 tablespoon of cinnamon


  1. Place all ingredients into a large pitcher. Stir everything together. Chill in the refrigerator a few hours before serving. If you have time let it chill overnight.

  2. Enjoy!

Adapted from How Sweet It Is